
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Shrinking Waist Deep

It's odd to watch weight loss happen, sometimes. You can target an area for what seems like an eternity, only to watch other parts shrink. (Let's take the breasts, for example - I don't think I would have minded if I had kept at least one of the three extra cup sizes I had gained over the past few years.)

Then, out of the blue, and at just the point you're about to give up - the body part you have been targeting, nay, abusing - FINALLY gets its act together.

So, now, after months of crazy core work - pilates, yoga and straight up sit-ups, I'm finally seeing my abs take on a shape that doesn't look like I had an inner tube surgically implanted around my mid-section.

I still have a long way to go yet, but man, to not bulge over my pants is a great thing. AND, I wasn't even flowing over my waistband because they were too tight, either. My "abs" were just THAT flabby! Not anymore.

Check out the waist shrinkage!

Oh, and I hit 88.5 pounds lost today. A pretty remarkable feat since I had fried green tomatoes last night at dinner...and a salad with a mound of BBQ pork on top. Thank goodness I put in 40 minutes on the bike to make room for that deliciousness! Back to reality today...though, I do predict a bit of sushi in my future.