I, like most people my size, am not the biggest fan of exercise. That being said, once I am exercising, I don't loathe it nearly as much. It just takes me an inordinate amount of time to will my fat behind onto the Treadmill/Nordic Track/Elliptical/Bike/Wii Fit/Mat/[Enter Name Of OtherTorture Device Here].
Here's pretty much how the story unfolds inside of my head:
Still, once I'm finally working out, I put in the time and the effort (*smirk*).
Except when it comes to doing sit-ups.
What is it about sit-ups that makes me hate them so much? They don't make me sweat profusely. I certainly don't get out of breath while doing them...except for when I'm doing a set of runners, but even those aren't really that bad.
I also notice the effects of sit-ups fairly quickly. My abs have always been 'receptive' to exercise. I also like having a flatter tummy (who doesn't?). Oh, and stronger abs helps to improve my posture which helps to clear up pain issues from sitting behind a desk throughout the day at work.
What the hell is my problem?
Clearly I'm not the first person to decide that sit-ups suck. From the ab-roller to the ab-flex and even that crazy electrode contraption that causes ab contractions (I can't lie and pretend that I haven't considered buying it or that I'm not STILL considering buying it)...we've been trying to find viable alternatives to the good old fashioned sit-up. Heck, even Elizabeth Hasselbeck is pimping some new ab-tastic contraption!
Alas, like cleaning the toilet on a fairly regular basis, there are just some things a girl has gotta do to keep up appearances.