
Friday, April 22, 2011

Holy Fiber!

I don't know if I've managed to establish this yet, but I am a weird, weird individual. At least, I think I am. (What is "normal" anyway? Is it just another word for boring or predictable?)

Anyhoo, as I've been manifesting this new change of eatstyle and overall lifestyle, I've really discovered the "point" of fiber. In fact, now, every time I think of fiber, I think of this song...only I swap in "fiber".  Honestly, it kind of works...I mean, as much as the song makes sense to begin with.

(RIP Dio)

WARNING: If you're not interested in reading the scoop on poop, STOP! 

I've said this about many things in my life - from friendships and relationships to my career and beyond - but you really don't realize how miserable you were until you aren't anymore.

Take my bowel movements, for example. I never really knew what it meant to be "regular". Now I do. I can set a clock by my trips to the restroom. That "S"-shaped poo that Dr. Oz talks about - yep. That feeling of lightness and pseudo euphoria after a good poo-session - thought that was just a joke, but it's not.

Oh, and when things aren't regular - I get really, really bent out of shape about it. I backtrack over the days prior and try to figure out where I went wrong. I track how much fiber I take in and supplement if I'm afraid I'm not going to hit the mark - which for me is b/w 22-28g per day. I mean, I have a friggin fiber benchmark. Who am I?

I could go on and on, but if you're struggling to lose weight, balance your metabolism, ramp up your energy and feel cleaner and healthier ... don't discount the power of fiber. With all of the commercials touting dietary fiber and the processed foods that boast about it as an added ingredient, it's surprising how few of us actually pay attention to how much we get. PAY ATTENTION! Eat more veggies than you ever thought possible and pick up some Metamucil/Benefiber in the old people aisle at your local pharmacy.
It will change your life.


Sarah said...

OMG! You are my hero. I want to be regular too!

Shan said...

LOL! Supplement. It's not just for old people anymore ;-)

jayme @ Losing Half My Weight said...

man, we're totally on the same page. since i ended the pescatarian extravaganza for lent and have gone back to eating meat, i can TOTALLY tell a difference and have resolved to start taking fiber supplements as well. but i hear ya on the regularity - i'm there as well.

Shan said...

I've found that the more meat you add to your daily intake, you should multiply your fiber/veggie + fruit intake by at least 2. It's crazy.

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