
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My Uterus Moved The Goalpost (And Other Musings)

Not only was I on a roll and one pound away from a 60 pound weight loss, I was feeling damn good. Then, blammo! My monthly pal comes in and knocks my goal back 3 more pounds.

What a bitch!

Oh well. It is what it is and there's not a darn thing I can do about it. Plus, had it not shown up, I'd be gaining weight for a whole 'nother reason.

I'm also seriously considering adding another workout to my daily regimen. I feel like I can do it, but I'm going back and forth on whether or not I should. The fact of the matter is, I still have over 100 pounds to lose and I really loathe the idea of spending the next year doing it. As it stands right now, I run calorie deficits that should pull me down 2-4 pounds every week. Doubling the workouts could theoretically double the weight loss. (I say "theoretically" because the math is only part of the wacky equation.)

On the other hand, if I do too much too quickly, I'll probably wind up needing skin removal surgery! I'm lucky in that I really do carry my weight well and I'm still really young and take great care of my skin so it's pretty elastic. After the 60 pounds and crazy amount of inches I've already lost, nothing is just "hanging" around - it's sprung back just fine. The idea of wearing old and empty skin like an outfit you've since shrunk out of...kind of skeeves me right the hell out.

Of course, there's the other "what's the rush?" argument -- and that's the simple fact that what I'm doing now is what I will be doing for the rest of my life. Eating clean. Working out. Sleep. Repeat. My body will get to where it's going so long as I stay pointed in this direction.

Still, I just want to BE there already. Ask anyone that knows me well, and this impatience is anything but surprising.

I'll let you know what I decide. Would love insights and opinions!


Sarah said...

I so feel you on this. Mother Nature is a bitch, and someone should tell her so. But yeah, having it not show up is indication of a much bigger problem to arrive in nine months. Yikes.

As for adding more workouts, I don't know what to tell you. My biggest concern would be burn out. The skin concern is a big one too. But I get the wanting to be there already. I hope you find a way to make the best decision for you!

Shan said...

Thanks, Sarah! I think I might just split the difference and try for two workouts every few on the days where I do my yoga/strength training in the morning. maybe a blast of cardio in the afternoon for an extra calorie deficit will be worth it. Burnout is definitely a concern...but if I keep losing, I think the motivation will stay high enough to push me through it. I think...

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