
Friday, February 25, 2011

Confessions Of A Lethargic Mind


I haven't worked out in a while. Like a WHILE a while. And it's not from lack of opportunity either. First off, I work at home and can work out pretty much whenever I want because I make my own hours. Second, I have a Wii Fit, a Nordic Track, an exercise bike and an exercise ball with a resistance band. Oh, and the apartment community where we live even has a fully stocked gym that we can access for free!

Unfortunately, if I'm being truly honest, I haven't worked out like I really meant it in months. Sure, I got on the bike and did a little pedaling a few times. I lifted some weights. I did a few sit-ups. But, the regular, daily exercise...hell, I don't think I've really committed to it since before our LAST vacation in late September.

I've been eating well for the most part though. I've been making meals and snacks, eating lots of veggies and fruit and haven't been mindlessly munching away the days like I used to. That's precisely why my weight loss situation is more stagnant than a complete reversal.

Still, without the regular workouts, the weight has been steadily creeping back on.

So, why am I still sitting here? Why am I not working out? It is completely mad! I want to feel better. I want to look better. I'm already sacrificing on my diet (though, I'm so used to it now that it rarely feels like sacrifice unless I have a raging case of PMS). Why in the hell can't I manage 30-45 measly minutes of cardio a day plus a little resistance work here and there?

I know I'm not the only one who's legs turn to lead at the mere thought of exercise! What gets you going when you're stuck in a serious rut? I know that once I've done it for a few days straight that I'll be able to sustain it - at least for a while - but how do I just get UP?!?!?

I feel insane having written this. Completely out of my gourd. But, it's the truth and it's what I'm grappling with. Would love to hear others' perspectives.

Thanks for bearing witness to my wackadooyness!


Sarah said...

Well apparently I haven't been to 24 Hour Fitness in so long that they have completely changed their check in procedure while I was away. Who knew? Guess I need to go check it out.

Seriously though, I get it. I struggle with exercise too. I am just so damn tired all the time that it is difficult to convince myself to go to the gym too -- part of the reason I am working out in the morning, but I still struggle.

My sister, a physical therapist and kinda no nonsense gal, said to just do it. She said motivation sometimes comes after success. She encouraged me to just make a deal with myself about how many minutes, miles, whatever I would do this week and next. She thought I'd be compelled to keep going if I just did that much. It hasn't worked for me yet, but I thought I'd pass it on to you. =)

Shan said...

it's really true that motivation comes after success...and ironic! it reminds me of that old commercial with the faux guru on the mountaintop that said something to the effect of: "to get a job, one must have experience but how does anyone get experience without a job?"

how do I get motivated to succeed when success is what will motivate me? LOL! I guess the potential for success is going to have to be enough :-)

Lyn said...

Exercise is a hard one for me, too. The only thing that has worked so far is doing stuff I really enjoy as exercise. For me, I hate the gym and machines and classes. I like walking. I like yard work, like raking the yard (which is good cardio!) and shoveling snow. Oh, and I like skating. Maybe try some new things... horseback riding? Biking outside? Anything you liked as a kid might be good to try.

Shan said...

Thanks Lyn and welcome to my blog! There are a few activities I do like. I used to love walking on a treadmill in our basement when I was a teen. I loved walking around Manhattan and just exploring - so maybe I can find some walking trails up here and do the same thing. I also loved rollerblading but it's far too cold just yet to pick that hobby up again. Ahead of the snow melting though, I'm just going to have to do some things I don't particularly like...LOL! I guess I can consider it training for springtime activities.

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